Spring 2024
- 02-05
- Semester Start
- 02-19
- Holiday (President Day)
- 02-20
- Monday Schedule
- 03-08
- Add Date
- 03-25
- Holiday (Spring Break Start)
- 03-29
- Holiday (Spring Break End)
- 04-15
- Holiday (Patriots’ Day)
- 04-23
- Drop Date
- 05-10
- Last Due (If there’s a scheduled final exam)
- 05-14
- Last Class
- 05-17
- Final Exam Start
- 05-22
- Final Exam End
- 05-24
- OGS Grades Due
encoding of the dates/events (click-to-copy in case u could use this to build your own app)
START = "02-05"
ADD_DATE = "03-08"
DROP_DATE = "04-23"
LAST_DUE = "05-10"
LAST_CLASS = "05-14"
FINAL_START = "05-17"
FINAL_END = "05-22"
OGS = "05-24"
# these days are completely off; nothing official should be
# scheduled
HOLIDAYS = {"02-19": "President Day", "04-15": "Patriots Day"}
# these days are on but should follow a shifted week-day schedule
SHIFT = {"02-20": "Monday"}
# Evaluations
EVALUATIONS = {"Start": "05-03", "End": "05-17", "Report": "05-27"}